We are honoured to announce the attendance of Hawker Hurricane Mk.I P3717, a true ‘Battle of Britain veteran’

In todays announcement we look at an aircraft that formed the back bone of air defence during the Battle of Britain, the Hawker Hurricane. Although the Hurricane was bigger and slower than the infamous Spitfire, it claimed more kills during the war making it a true workhorse.

Aero Legends are pleased to announce the following aircraft to our flying list:
Hawker Hurricane Mk.I
P3717 (G-HITT)
Hurricane P3717 was built by Hawker Aircraft Ltd in 1940 as a MkI Hurricane. P3717 joined the RAF in June 1940 flown by Pilot Officer WMC Samolinski. Seven weeks later it was attacked by a Messerschmitt BF110 where it was heavily damaged. Following lengthy repairs P3717 was reissued to 257 Squadron to see further service. P3717 was later returned to Hawker for major works a second time and modified to MK 2 standard after which it was then sent to Russia. It was from here that she was recovered in the late 1990’s and the long road to returning to airworthiness started finally completing in March of 2017.